Lipoedema Ladies

Notice: Lipoedema Ladies is in no way associated or linked with any other Lipoedema group in the UK.
Copyright (economic rights and moral rights) and Trademark protected as Lipoedema Ladies. Identified as author is Michelle Ellis and infringemnet of copyrights or Trademark may bring an action for civil copyright infringement. Deliberate copyright infringement may be a criminal offence.

Mental Wellbeing (Or not going crazy!)
Lipoedema may challenge an individual's ability to enjoy life, what we need is to create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological strength and resilience.
The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community"

Positive Mental Attitude
As told by founder Michelle Ellis...​
Okay, so there’s no myth that I am a positive person, or at least striving to be one. However, I am aware that I’m not positive all the time. I am continuously working to become conscientious of my choices, thoughts and reactions.

Don't be a stranger!
You Are Not Alone with Lipoedema, nor with your everyday worries, concerns and limitations. This is where the roots of Lipoedema Ladies are laid, the benefit of being there for someone else and those same women being there for you to moan with, talk things through with and meet with are beyond worth of our combined weight in gold.
Lipoedema Ladies have an online forum and Facebook page where the encumbrance of distance and geological location play no part.
We do have regional meet ups in the UK and the details of upcoming gatherings can be found out about by contacting us and on the forum.
We also have our briliant BIG MEET! Lipoedema Ladies annual event and Lipoedema Conference, you can read up on this by clicking on this button...

Staying Sane!
As told by Celia Sparks of S.A.L.S.A & Liplady
​​Hi, I live in sub-tropical Durban, South Africa. We have wonderful views of the Indian Ocean, the changing skies and the city from our 8th floor flat, and I love that sight every day, (​See above).