Lipoedema Ladies

Notice: Lipoedema Ladies is in no way associated or linked with any other Lipoedema group in the UK.
Copyright (economic rights and moral rights) and Trademark protected as Lipoedema Ladies. Identified as author is Michelle Ellis and infringemnet of copyrights or Trademark may bring an action for civil copyright infringement. Deliberate copyright infringement may be a criminal offence.

Dr Karen Herbst for Lipoedema Ladies
​Dr Karen Herbst answers questions from Lipoedema Ladies, asked by Catherine Seo....
Lipoedema Ladies were privileged to have Dr Karen Herbst do a full Q & A session for us. Catherine Seo a Lipoedema Ladies member flew in to the UK for our Big Meet along with this pre-recorded DVD for us to watch at the end of the conference. Lipoedema Ladies had compiled a long list of questions and the generous Catherine asked them on our behalf and recorded the forthcoming and enlightening answers conveyed by Dr Herbst.
​We really want to share this revealing and educational footage with all Lipoedema sufferers. We have launched a Lipoedema Ladies U Tube Channel to enable this to happen. So be sure to watch, leave a comment, share and have a pen and paper ready to note things of personal interest to you.
​On this note I would like to announce that Dr Karen Herbst of and will be working with Lipoedema Ladies in the future, so be sure to keep an eye out for new updates from Karen on this website and the two above. You can donate and help Karen’s research continue on the site and she will be most grateful, as will we and our children when we have the answers we need so much.

Special Thanks to Catherine Seo, shown here with Nannci from Australia.
A rare forthcoming and enlightening interview on Lipoedema....
Hello and Introduction
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five